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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Love in the time of heat stroke

After a frustating day at workplace
The forthcoming poem is strictly out of impulse and has been compiled without an iota of rationality (quite habitual with the author). Subsequently, it is not meant to appeal to anyone's rational faculty or interpretation. RL-77 is the bus that the author uses to reach her asylum everyday (sometimes night).
So what is love?
Love is like an empty RL-77 on a monday morning,
while you assumed that auto was the only option left
Love is like a plate of good and fresh food from a canteen
that you thought was infested by rats and rodents
A spell of rain in May
while you were thinking of your last will in heat stroke
Love is an unexpected apology from your boss
Whom you thought was brain dead
To Conclude, love is unbelievable untill you get one.


Amit Kumar Das said...

if this is love, u will never fall in love.......:)

Jayasri said...

I believe you!!!