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Monday, December 18, 2006

God save me from those e mails

When Ray Tomlinson gave the world one of the greatest communication tools of time, named e-mail (way back in 1971),
He would have never imagined as how his super concept could be instrumental in giving panic attacks to one of us.

Ever since I got an e-mail account and gave it to the other species of the Internet Browsers community, every mail checking session would be leaving me in a fearful state, courtesy-all those blessings/good luck/saviour-is-here messages which force me to think about the state of mind of the creator of those messages & as whether these messages are really not meant to freak me out.

The contents of these articles won’t be any really substantial. They would be mostly like a bunch of old proverbs served in colourful PowerPoint presentations or weird pictures which are god-knows-what or even those paper ‘n’ pen games which you might have played in your school along with your friends. While you would scroll down as fast as you can so that these already acknowledged facts may end and you could read the next mail, behold, here comes the anti-climax:

This message has been sent for your good luck (really!!!)…………………………It has gone around the world 10 times (!!!!)………………It is a Chinese proverb /Charm that had originated in Netherlands (????). ……An unemployed man who sent this message to 30 people became a millionaire within a fortnight & his rich friend who discarded this became a pauper (No I am not exaggerating even a bit, this is what they exactly say)……………………………Send this to 20 people within 5 minutes else be prepared to face DOOM. (And at last the very innocent) All the Best.

Now, how many of us can really send this to 20 people and be sure that those who will receive this message will read them without getting mad at us? Not many us I am sure. I have sincerely failed to understand as how could one e-mail bring me all that luck that I need in my life. Would it even work if I refuse to fulfil my duties and responsibilities or even when I refuse to work, which is the only way to success? Do you really believe that people are really made paupers and billionaires by just a sinister message? If it were true don’t you think our law lords would have made it compulsory for all internet users in our country to forward at least one such e-mail per day to as many people as the can so that our countrymen can become really lucky and we can become the most developed country in the world by just forwarding such e-mails. So all of you out there who want to serve the society by doing a noble cause, begin with deleting such emails that may pour into the inbox of your e-mail account instead of forwarding them. It will certainly make a difference in the lives of people like me who’ll feel relieved by the absence of such emails from our inbox(s). So believe me Together we can & together we will fight against this new form of terrorism.

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