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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Quips from the classroom

One of the most challenging things that I have done for myself is taking up a job in a school and re-entering classrooms (it lists among places I passionately hate, like changing rooms, aquariums, Uttam Nagar bus terminal etc etc). I learn, unlearn simultaneously in a world which is so far away from my comfort zone.

Mass Comm schools should make their students work with adolescent students. It just changes your perspective on communication. They will carry impressions for a lifetime, I promise you.

I haven't known if I am good/bad at what I do. All I know is, I am a very different person than what I was, say, a year ago. I work with teachers who are exhausted at the end of a teaching day, yet passionate about their job. I work with students, who nonchalantly possess sacred powers to either make me feel like tearing my hair apart/ feel warm and fuzzy inside everyday. Either way, it depends on their mood, really. 

And then there are those who drag me to the lighter side of life. I am listing a few here:

Miss, I am going to give you gift
Aww...that's sweet H. But no, you shouldn't. Just focus on your work.
No, I bring you gift. You open. It have snake. It bite you, you dead, I happy that no one scold me now. (He wasn't laughing, trust me)

Two kids were fighting and one of them was crying

What happened, you two? What is this all about?
Miss, he said bad word to me. He called me a geeerrrlll..
A what?
Geerrl, Miss..You. He called me you.(And he cried more)


The class was instructed to write a letter, imagining themselves to be a character from the play that they were reading. The character has met with an accident and he is writing a letter to his girlfriend, hoping nothing has changed between them because of the accident and resulting change in his appearance. While most of the students wrote emotional and moving letters, a reluctant writer composed something like this.

Dear love,

What kind of girlfriend are you? You can't even visit me in the hospital when I am sick? Get lost then. Go back to your f***tard life and dont come back

Always awesome,

(That, my friend, is called a closure)
A group of students were discussing food habits and cuisines. They discovered, much to their shock, that I m a vegetarian. One of them looks at me sympathetically and says "Miss, life very hard for vegetarians. I am so sorry for your loss"


On a day when I was almost tearing my hair apart, a student comes to me and imparts wisdom

"Miss, why you so angry? My mom says girls happy when they have babies. Have baby. It make you happy then you don't put on report"

(I didn't open my mouth the whole day)

Needless to say, I accept defeated.

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